Fellowship of the Open Air and Service

Rover Scouts are youth members belonging to one of four sections in the Singapore Scout Association. They are aged 17-26 years old, and those of 21 years of age and above are allowed to, and often hold concurrent adult leader appointments.

Rovering has its foundations in "Rovering to Success", a handbook written by the founder of the Scout Movement, Lord Baden Powell. Although written in a different time, many of the concepts broached by B.P. are relevant to youth of the 21st Century. Rovering aids Rovers as they transition into the responsibilities of adulthood in a healthy, fun, and meaningful manner.

The activities we do are usually organized & planned by Rovers, for Rovers. As these are mostly self-initiated, they're always fun and meaningful. What's more, Rovers are part of an awesome community in Singapore and all over the world so there're plenty of opportunities too meet new friends.

Rovers are primarily self-governed. We plan our own activities, make our own policies and develop our own programmes. We are then advised by Rover Scout Leaders (RSLs) [crew level] and commissioners [national level], who guide us where necessary and provide us with the support needed.

Crew Representatives, Assistant RSLs, and RSLs from every Rover Crew in Singapore are part of the National Rover Roundtable. They meet several times a year to share information about the latest events, programmes, discuss new ideas, and review feedback from Rovers.

The National Rover Council (NRC), are Rovers who have been elected to lead the Rover community and ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the movement.

NRC 2020 - 2021

Appointment Name
Seng Hui
Area Representative (North)
Qi Xuan
Area Representative (South)
Mark Wee
Area Representative (East)
Area Representative (West)
Wei Song

Interim Rover Council 2019

Appointment Name
Rover Advisor
Christopher John
Ang Wee Jin
Rishab Patwari
Jouis Chua
Tay Hwee Tang

NRC 2017

Appointment Name
Sunil Ravinder Gill
Vice Chairperson (Programmes)
Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohd Ali
Vice Chairperson (Relations)
James Mansfield-Page
Head Secretary and Treasurer
Chua Tian Quan Jouis
Relations Secretary
Chong Kian Wee Jacky
Yee Kok Hui, Bobby
Koh Tian Seng
Emmanuel Phua Sheng Qiang
Rishab Patwari
Programmes Secretary
David Chu
Hulbert Teng

NRC 2016

Appointment Name
Sunil Ravinder Gill
Vice Chairperson (Programmes)
Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohd Ali
Vice Chairperson (Relations)
James Mansfield-Page
Head Secretary
Pang Yao Ming
Hulbert Teng
Alan Yip
Chong Kian Wee Jacky
Kelvin Lee
Tseng Tzu Chieh
Madhan s/o Elavalahan
Yee Kok Hui, Bobby
Goh Wei Xuan

NRC 2015

Appointment Name
Goh Wei Xuan
Vice Chairperson (Programmes)
Koh Rui Yang
Vice Chairperson (Relations)
Tseng Tzu Chieh
Head Secretary
Sunil Ravinder Gill
Relations Secretary
Seah Kia Wee
Kelvin Lee Wen Jie
Programmes Secretary
Madhan s/o Elahavalan
Alan Yip Keen Wah

4th NRC

Appointment Name
Edieusdi Bin Ahmad
Vice Chairperson (Programmes)
Goh Wei Xuan
Vice Chairperson (Relations)
Leong Kwang Yeh, Kelvin
Head Secretary
Heng Jiang Li
Relations Secretary
Toh Chee Wei Jeffery
Programmes Secretary
Koh Rui Yang
Low Kee Guan
Lim Yu Jason

3rd NRC

Information Unavailable...

2nd NRC

Appointment Name
Boey Mao Jie
Vice Chairperson (Programmes)
Chew Kang Wei
Vice Chairperson (Relations)
Sarah Ho Wing Kei
Scout of the World Programmes Secretary
Tan Si Jie
Tan Jing Yi Jean
Wilson Ong Wei Soon
Yap Jia Wei
Tan Yan Hao Elwayne
Chen Tian Han

1st NRC

Appointment Name
Boey Mao Jie
Vice Chairperson (Programmes)
Chew Kang Wei
Vice Chairperson (Relations)
Sarah Ho Wing Kei
Information Technology Secretary
Chen Zhao Cheng Alan
Scouts of the World Programmes Secretary
Tan Si Jie
Tan Jing Yi Jean
Ong Wei Soon Wilson
Bryan Yap Jia Wei
Elwayne Tan Yan Hao
Chen Tian Han
Stephanie Bay Hui Min
V K K Arumugam
Ye Bingjia

NRC 2017 Photo

Sunil Ravinder Gill
Sunil Ravinder Gill


Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohd Ali
Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohd Ali

Vice Chairperson (Programmes)

James Mansfield-Page
James Mansfield-Page

Vice Chairperson (Relations)

Chua Tian Quan Jouis
Chua Tian Quan Jouis

Head Secretary and Treasurer

Chong Kian Wee Jacky
Chong Kian Wee Jacky

Relations Secretary

Yee Kok Hui, Bobby
Yee Kok Hui, Bobby

Relations Secretary

Koh Tian Seng
Koh Tian Seng

Relations Secretary

Emmanuel Phua Sheng Qiang
Emmanuel Phua Sheng Qiang

Relations Secretary

Rishab Patwari
Rishab Patwari

Relations Secretary

David Chu
David Chu

Programmes Secretary

Hulbert Teng
Hulbert Teng

Programmes Secretary

NRC 2016 Photo


The Baden Powell Award is the highest award attainable by youth members in the Singapore Scout Association. It represents a pinnacle achievement Rover Scouts work towards on their Scouting journey. This award is named after Lord Baden Powell, who was the founder of the Scout Movement, and it is hoped that naming the Award after him will remind award recipients of their responsibility to uphold the ideals espoused by Lord Baden Powell in their thoughts, words and deeds forever more.

Rovers who are pursuing the Baden Powell Award may only qualify if they have demonstrated enough commitment and excellence to satisfy the numerous sections of the award. These include objective selection criteria, positive peer reviews, and clearing an interview with the appropriate commissioners. This process ensures that candidates who eventually qualify have a firm grasp of the Scout Method and the other values promulgated by Lord Baden Powell.


BPA logo

The fleur-de-lis being a symbol of Scouting is represents the North point of a compass reminding Rovers to lead the way for others to follow. The tri-foil represents the three parts of the Scout Promise: Duty to God, Service to Others and Obedience to the Scout Law. The middle portion represents the Rovers’ belief in God. The two side-portions of the fleur-de-lis are equal and balanced, reminding Rovers that humanity is equal and balanced. The two stars on either side represent the eyes of the Rover and the original ten parts of the Scout Law. The three parts of the Promise are bound together by a circle symbolising Fellowship.

The green background of the Award is recognized worldwide as a traditional colour of Scouting and its association with Nature. Rovers are encouraged to understand Nature as a way to gaining religion. The golden olive leaves symbolises world peace which the Fellowship of Rovering aims to achieve. The silver wordings of "BP AWARD" symbolises the honour of the Award.

As a Rover, you have lived your life a Rover should live, for you know your weakness and trust not in your own strength but seek the help of your God and the Fellowship of the Movement. Henceforth, you are trusted in your Honour in the continual adherence of your Duty to God, to the Republic of Singapore, to Others and lastly, to yourself.

Honorary BPAs

Occasionally, the Honorary Baden Powell Award is conferred on adult leaders who have made monumental contributions to the development and furtherance of Rovering in Singapore. These awardees, who are of unassailable character, epitomize the spirit of Rover Scouting, and are thus good role models for the fellowship.

Name Year


Name Year